AHX - Ceasing to be a Substantial Holder 06.09.2024
AHX - Becoming a Substantial Holder 06.09.2024
AHX - Coffee Microcaps Webinar 30.08.2024
AHX - Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement 23.08.2024
AHX - Dividend & Distribution 23.08.2024
AHX - Appendix 4E and Annual Report to the Shareholders 23.08.2024
AHX - FY24 Results Investor Presentation 23.08.2024
AHX - FY24 Results Announcement 23.08.2024
AHX - FY24 Reporting Date and Investor Webinar Notification 15.08.2024
AHX - Change in Substantial Holding 02.08.2024
AHX - Notification of Cessation of Securities 03.07.2024
AHX - Release of Securities from Voluntary Escrow 24.06.2024
AHX - Change in Substantial Holding - C.Richards 04.06.2024
AHX - Change in Director's Interest Notice C.Richards 04.06.2024
AHX - Release of Securities from Voluntary Escrow 27.05.2024
AHX - Investor Update 08.05.2024
AHX - Notification Regarding Unquoted Securities 05.04.2024
AHX - Notification of Cessation of Securities 05.04.2024
AHX - Change of Director's Interest Notice for Directors 04.04.24
AHX - Application for Quotation of Securities 04.04.24
AHX - Dividend & Distribution 20.03.2024
AHX - Change in Substantial Holding 12.03.2024
AHX - Amended Securities Trading Policy 08.03.2024
AHX - Dividend & Distribution 23.02.2024
AHX - H1 FY24 Appendix 4D & Financial Report 23.02.2024
AHX - H1 FY24 Results Presentation 23.02.2024
AHX - H1 FY24 Results Announcement 23.02.2024
AHX - H1 FY24 Reporting Date and Investor Webinar Notification 16.02.2024
AHX - Release of Securities from Voluntary Escrow 25.01.2024
AHX - Notification of Cessation of Securities 03.01.2024
AHX - Notification Regarding Unquoted Securities 02.01.2024