Here at Fur Life Vet we are lucky to have Dr Ash Hargreaves BSc DVM MANZCVS (Veterinary Behaviour) on our team.
We all know how important mental health is for us, our family and friends. But we forget that our pets can suffer from mental health issues too. Here at Fur Life Vet we are lucky to have Dr Ash Hargreaves BSc DVM MANZCVS (Veterinary Behaviour) on our team. Dr Ash has an absolute passion for the mental health of our pets and pet behaviour.
Read more from Ash…
My name is Ash. I am a vet practicing at Fur Life Vet Warrnambool, in country Victoria, and I am passionate about animal behaviour and the mental health of our pets.
I want to raise awareness and help to educate pet owners about pet mental health and evidence-based pet behaviour.
I have completed further studies in veterinary behaviour since graduating with my vet degree in 2015 and working in country mixed practice.
I now offer behaviour consultations as well as working as a GP vet and support other vets with behaviour cases. I continue to learn from every patient I see, through ongoing reading, and I am constantly being schooled by my ‘special needs dog’ Matilda, and our two cats Trim and Mo, who kindly share their house and antics with us.
I hope you enjoy and can learn something from the content and stories to come!